Introduction to New Bookg—•¶ŽšŒ¤‹†h,
The present state of Nushu in 2002
1. Introduction to my New Book g’†‘—•¶ŽšŒ¤‹†h (The Research on Nushu Chinese Womenfs Script)@
Since I started a field survey on the Chinese womenfs script, Nushu —‘, in the Peoplefs Republic of China in 1993, I have heard and learned so much about Nushu while conducting a series of field surveys that I have recently published my research in book form. I would like to introduce the outline of the book. The following are its contents.
‡T The Outline of the
Chinese Womenfs Script
1. The Areas Where the Script Was Transmitted
2. The Women in Those Areas
3. The Conditions for Creating the Script—
Jiejiao ZimeiŒ‹ŒðŽo–… (Sworn Sisterhood)
4. The gUnhappinessh of Marriage
5. The Records Written in the Script by Common People
6. How the Script Was Born and San Chao Shu
ŽO’©‘ (Third Day Missives)
Chapter ‡U@The Present Situation of the Womenfs Script
1. The Situation of the Surviving Script
2. The Transmitters of the Script
3. The Present Situation of the Script
Chapter ‡V The Situation of Research on the Womenfs Script
1. The History of Research
2. The Bibliographical Notes of the Script (in Chinese)
The Bibliographical Notes of the Script (in English or other European
Languages )
The Bibliographical Notes of the Script (in Japanese)
Chapter ‡W@
The Materials about the Womenfs Script@
1. The Facts of San Chao Shu
ŽO’©‘ (Third Day Missives)
2. The Autobiography Written in the Script
3. Anti-Japanese Songs
The List of the Characters -
That Ms. He Yanxin ‰½‰V Can Write
1. Arranged in the Order of Strokes
2.@ Arranged-
@@in the Order of Pronunciation
@@ As far as I know, there are nine books on the womenfs script, Nushu —‘, which were published in China, but my book is different from them in four points: the situation of the surviving script in Chapter ‡U, the bibliographical notes in Chapter ‡V, the autobiography in Chapter ‡W, and the list of characters Ms. He Yanxin can write.
In Chapter‡U, the situation of the surviving script reports how I gathered information and data on the womenfs script: I visited 71 villages in China and interviewed elders of the villages 117 times in total. During the surveys, I could find and investigate Ms. He Yanxin ‰½‰V, who may be the few remaining transmitters of the script.
Chapter ‡V introduces some research books published in China, written in English, German, Dutch and Japanese respectively, and their contents in brief.@
Chapter ‡W shows the autobiography written by Ms. Yi Nienhua‹`”N‰Ø and that written by Ms. He Yanxin‰½‰V later than 1996, which I collected myself. In this chapter, I also deal with other biographies collected by Chinese researchers, but the above two persons are not found in their books.
In the last part of the book, the list of the characters shows all that Ms. He Yanxin ‰½‰V can write, where they are arranged in the orders of strokes and pronunciation.@Chinese researchers also make lists of characters, but it is not clear by whom or when they were written, and therefore, there are more than 1,500 characters found in some lists. It is because there were many writers who wrote characters in different ways, and they were listed without putting in order. The list that I published this time includes only 465 characters, which are those written by Ms. He Yanxin alone, and the different characters were put together and arranged. Although the characters are small in number, I wanted to record them as those of the last person who can hand them down.
As this book is a special research book, the number of copies published was limited and its price became very expensive at \16,000 a copy to my regret. If you are interested in the matter, I hope you will ask your library or study office to buy one.
2. Some of the Latest News Articleson the Womenfs Script
I would like to give some information about the latest news about the Nush womenfs script. In China, the script has not often been reported on TV so far and has not been known well among common people. However, recently it has come to be taken up in many places. The latest news articles about the script that I got is as mentioned below. Those in Chinese were offered by Ms. Sun Qi‘·ûg,a Chinese student of Waseda University, and those in English were offered by Mr. Dr. Hidasi Judit, a guest professor of Kanda University of International Studies. I very much appreciate their kind cooperation.@
[From the web site: URL:]
‡@ March 25, 2002 gExperts in Hubei ProvinceŒÎ–kÈ are devoting themselves to save the worldfs only womenfs script g(New China NetworkV‰Ø–ÔFDai Jinsong ‘Õ™¤¼CShi ZhiyongÎŽu—E)@
‡A April 3, 2002 gLetfs save the worldfs only mysterious womenfs scripth ( V•·í•ñFWang Qifei ‰¤é‡”ò)
‡B April 17, 2002 gHunan ProvinceŒÎ“ìÈ allocated a huge amount of money to construct a cultural protection zone for gNushu—‘g (Hunan Daily News ŒÎ“ì“ú•ñFHui Henglin˜ðt—Ñ)
‡C May 21, 2002 gThe only living transmitter of the womenfs script has fallen ill in bed. Handing down the script is fearedh (Xiao Yemingª–é–¾)
‡D May 24, 2002 gResearch on the womenfs script has just started, but vital
problems have not been solved yeth (San Xiang City DailyŽOÓsŽs•ñF
Xiao Yemingª–é–¾)
[From newspapers]
‡E April 19, 2002 gYao women-only tongue in danger g(The Japan Times) AFP, Beijing
‡F May 3, 2002 gChinafs women-only language is dyingh (reprinted from
The Japan Times=Los Angeles Times) Henry Chu
‡G May 8, 2002 gSave the mysterious and valuable womenfs scripth (Beijing Daily News–k‹ž“ú•ñFFan Tao”Í““)
In these news articles, ‡B and ‡G partially overlap each other. As the news articles ‡F was reprinted from an American newspaper, it shows that the number of people who are interested in the script is increasing in America, China and Japan. I will introduce in detail some of the news articles which seem to be interesting as follows:
The news article ‡@ is about an interview with Mr. Ye Xumin —t–¯, Assistant Chief of the Research Center for Womenfs Script Culture of South China Ethnological Academy’†“ì–¯‘°Šw‰@—‘•¶‰»Œ¤‹†ƒZƒ“ƒ^[@in Wuhan City•Š¿Žs.
gOn May 25, 2001, a forum on how to save the Chinese womenfs script
and a national science symposium on womenfs script were held by the
South China Ethnological Academy ’†“ì–¯‘°Šw‰@, where the participants
presented a proposal titled gthe process for saving the Chinese womenfs
script cultureh ’†‘—‘•¶‰»‹~oH’öto the whole society, expecting the
whole society to have interest in the womenfs script gNushu—‘h and to
take positive and effective measures to save the script.
The experts proposed to organize ga study council for the Chinese
womenfs scripth and to gather all those who are interested in the gNushu
—‘h under a soft form of organization. The Research Center for
Womenfs Script Culture of South China Ethnological Academy ’†“ì–¯‘°Šw
‰@—‘•¶ ‰»Œ¤‹†ƒZƒ“ƒ^[ is planning to organize an editorial conference
for gthe research library of Chinese womenfs script cultureh ’†‘—‘•¶‰»
Œ¤‹†‘p‘jointly with Jiang Yong District Peoplefs Government ]‰iŒ§l–¯
•{ to compile the library incorporating extensive original Nushu —‘
script materials and documents available. They will make this an initial
step in gthe process for saving the Chinese womenfs script cultureh ’†‘—
I hear that in addition to compiling gthe libraryh with eight million characters, gthe processh includes such important projects as founding the worldfs leading museum for Chinese womenfs script, developing Jiang Yong cultural tour scenery zone ]‰i•¶‰»—·—V•—Œi’n‹æ and holding an international science symposium on Nushu—‘.@
The news item ‡A reports of what they heard in the interview with Ms. He Jinghua ‰½Ã‰Ø and Ms. He Yanxin‰½‰V who can write the script, and also of the talk by Professor Xie ZhiminŽÓŽu–¯ of the South China Ethnological Academy ’†“ì–¯‘°Šw‰@. It reports of Professor Xiefs impression when he touched the script for the first time and of his opinion that the script is older than inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapacesbœ•¶Žš•¶Žš.
gProf. Xie Zhimin ŽÓŽu–¯and Prof. Ye Xumin—t–¯ jointly made a
remarkable discovery that the type of the script leaves vestiges of totems.
Totems appeared only in the pre-historic cultures such as Egyptian script,
Mayan Civilization and inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces.
@ Prof. Xie Zhimin told the reporter: gThe Nushu —‘h hints that there is a
possibility that the totem gbirdsh used to be worshipped. For example,
gһh (head) of the womenfs script is a hieroglyph of a birdfs head, and the
gһh transformed from its inscription on a bone and tortoise carapace is a
hieroglyph of a human head. Also g‘Ìh (body) is a hieroglyph of a birdfs
body, and g‘Ìh of the ordinary Chinese character is a hieroglyph of a
human body.
gŒNh (lord) is a hieroglyph of two birds put side by side, and gŒNh of the
ordinary Chinese character is a hieroglyph of a person with a writing
brush in his mouthh.
Prof. Xie Zhimin told the reporter in an excited tone: gThe system of the
inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces shows that human beings
were worshipped, and Nushu —‘ shows that birds were worshipped.
If these inferences of mine finally turn out to be correct, the foundation of
the Chinese orthography endorsed by the system of the inscriptions on
bones and tortoise carapaces would be smashed by the discovery that
Nushu —‘ is the product of totem worship.h
The news item ‡C reports that Ms. Yang Huanyi —zà…‹X, the oldest transmitter of the womenfs script, was injured.
gThe transmission of the womenfs script only in the world is now
endangered. The only transmitter of the script Ms. Yang Huanyi —zà…
‹X, 97 (Her correct age is 93 because she was born in 1909: note by
Endo) , living in Tong Shan Lang Nong Chang, Jiang Yong District ]‰i
Œ§“ºŽR—ä”_ê, got injured in her fall a few days ago and has not been able
to get up since then.
As the only living transmitter of the womenfs script, she has received
many womenfs script researchers from all over the world. According to
her son, she got injured when she fell down in her home and has been in
bed suffering a pain in her leg since two days later. @@
She sang a poem about the womenfs script for me in an inaudible voice
of an old woman with the sky glowing in the setting sun. The poem
means that she is very much worried if she would be able to continue to
transmit the script according to the interpretation by Mr. Zhou Shuoyi
Žüן‹, an old specialist of Jiang Yong District Culture Center ]‰iŒ§•¶
‰»ŠÙ who has been studying the script for 40 years and accompanied the
reporter this time.h
Being anxious about her condition, Endo asked Prof. He Hong Yi ‰½gˆêof the Research Center for Womenfs Script Culture of South China Ethnological Academy ’†“ì–¯‘°Šw‰@—‘•¶‰»Œ¤‹†ƒZƒ“ƒ^[ and relieved for the time being to hear that she was not in such serious condition.
The news articles ‡B, ‡E and ‡G in the Hunan Daily NewspaperŒÎ“ì“ú•ñreport that a movement for preserving the script has came out as follows:
gOn April 16 the reporter heard from the Agency for Cultural Affairs
•¶‰»’¡of Hunan Province ŒÎ“ìÈ that they had made a plan to build a
womenfs script cultural ecology protection zone in Jiang Yong District]
‰iŒ§. An application for funding has already been filed with the
Edward Ford Foundation through the Cultural Affairs Department •¶‰»
•” of the Chinese Government. The general plan for the gwomenfs
script cultural ecology protection zoneh consists of two contents: the
ecology protection of the existing condition and the secondary ecology
protection. In the former plan, the ecology protection of the womenfs
script will be carried out in Shang Jiang Xu Zhenã]šÐ’Á where the
script was transmitted, and the construction of an outdoor museum for
the script is also being planned.
The secondary ecological protection will be implemented fully
understanding the cultural characteristic of the script. Hunan
Province will entrust Yong Zhou City Museum ‰iBŽs”Ž•¨ŠÙ to collect
and store the cultural remains of the script and to display them as a
special womenfs script culture. For the purpose of active development
and protection of the womenfs script culture, they will promote cultural
exchange with foreign countries, and hold international symposiums,
compile and publish old documents and research materials concerning
the script, and organize public demonstrations of the script culture.
To realize all of these plans, they will invest 9 million Yuan. At
present, arranging all the concerned items, they are making a
construction plan in a hurry. g
The news article ‡D is about some refutations against the opinions by the researchers of the Womenfs Script Cultural Center of South China Ethnology Academy, especially Prof. Xie Zhimin ŽÓŽu–¯ stating that the history of the script is older than the inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces and is that of a minority race Yaozuꢑ°.
gWhen was the womenfs script created? Was it earlier than the
inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces? What is the relation
between the script and the printed style of Chines characters? Does the
script have any connection with Yaozu ꢑ° ? The reporter asked such
questions to several Chinese scholars in interviews with them, but so far
there have been no conclusion to these problems. It is still a mystery.
In response to a telephone interview, prominent Prof. Zho Limingæâ—í
–¾ of Qinhua University ´‰Ø‘åŠw told the reporter as follows:
The womenfs script is highly worth studying, but at present it is in the
elementary phase of research and a series of important problems have
not yet been resolved. In addition, she emphasized that especially we
must be cautious not to make two errors in the course of studying the
script. One is that we had better not jump to the conclusion that the
womenfs script was created earlier than the inscriptions on bones and
tortoise carapaces. There is no one who approves such a conclusion
among the researchers including the Social Science Academy of China
’†‘ŽÐ‰ï‰ÈŠw‰@ and Beijing University –k‹ž‘åŠw. The other is that we
had better not say that the script is of Yozufs.
Mr. Zhou Shuoyi Žüן‹, an old specialist of Jiang Yong District
Culture Center ]‰iŒ§•¶‰»ŠÙ who has been studying the script for 40
years, also takes a similar view, saying that deeper research about the
script is expected and a too hasty conclusion would lead to our not
taking the responsibility for our history. Mr. Yang Renli—km—¢, chief of
the ethnic committee of Jiang Yong District ]‰iŒ§–¯‘°ˆÏˆõ‰ï says that
it is absurd to remark that the womenfs script is of Yaozufs. He also says
that we should pursue learning seriously and should not express such an
opinion freely before ascertaining the historical evidence.
There is a big gap among various theories about the womenfs script.
There is a disparity of more than 2,500 years between the opinions of
Prof. Xie Zhimin, et al that the script has a history of 3,000 years and
those of Prof. Gong Zhebing ‹{“N•º, et al. that the script was created in
the late era of the Ching Dynasty ´’©.
Moreover, the researchers of the South China Ethnological Academy
’†“ì–¯‘°Šw‰@ hold the opinion that the womenfs script is of Yaozu ꢑ°,
but Prof. Zho Limingæâ—í–¾ and Mr. Yang Renli—km—¢ deny it. About
this problem, I (Endo) asked Prof. Mao Zongwu–Ñ@• of the
Ethnological Research Institute of the China Social Science Academy
’†‘ŽÐ‰ï‰ÈŠw‰@–¯‘°Œ¤‹†Š and an expert on Yaozu and its language in
March, 1996. He answered: gIt is absolutely impossible that the script
is of Yaozu. I listened to the audio tape on which the songs written in
the script were recorded, but I could not find any words similar to the
Yaozu tongue on the tape for two hours. Yaozu once had characters,
but they were used only for recording their own history by gŽtŒöh in a
particular class. They were never used in their daily life.h
3. Books on the Chinese Womenfs Script
The following are books on the Womenfs script, published in China, America, Holland., Australia and Japan. There are many papers on the subject printed in Journals, but they are left out herein.
In Chinese:
1 |
Gong Zhebing |
1986 |
Funu wenzi he Yaozu qianjia dong |
Zhongguo zhanwang chubanshe |
‹{“N•º |
•w—•¶Žš˜aꢑ°ç‰Æ“´ |
’†‘“W–]o”ÅŽÐ |
Women's Script and Qian Jia Dong of the Yao Nationality |
(Zhongguo zhanwang chubanshe ’†‘“W–]o”ÅŽÐ) |
2 |
Gong Zhebing & |
1990 |
Nushu--yige jingren de faxian |
Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe |
Zhao Liming |
—‘--ˆêŒÂ‹Ál“I”Œ© |
‰Ø’†Žt”Í‘åŠwo”ÅŽÐ |
‹{“N•ºEæâ—í–¾ |
Women's Script: An amazing Discovery |
(Huazhong shifan daxue chubanshe‰Ø’†Žt”Í‘åŠwo”ÅŽÐ) |
3 |
Edited by Gong Zhe Bing |
1991 |
Nushu--shijie weiyi de nuxing wenzi |
Taiwan funu xinzhi jijinhui |
‹{“N•º•Ò |
—‘--¢ŠE—Bˆê“I—«•¶Žš |
‘ä˜p•w—V’mŠî‹à‰ï |
The Unique Nushu: The Only Women's Script in the World |
(Taiwan funu xinzhi jijinhui ‘ä˜p•w—V’mŠî‹à‰ï) |
4 |
Gong Zhebing |
1995 |
Nuxing wenzi yu nuxing shehui |
Xinjiang renmin chubanshe |
‹{“N•º |
—«•¶Žš—^—«ŽÐ‰ï |
V‹®l–¯o”ÅŽÐ |
Women's Language and their Society |
(Xinjiang renmin chubanshe V‹®l–¯o”ÅŽÐ) |
5 |
Edited by Shijinbo, Zhao |
1995 |
Qite de nushu |
Beijing yuyan xueyuan chubanshe |
Liming et al. |
Šï“Á“I—‘ |
–k‹žŒ¾ŒêŠw‰@o”ÅŽÐ |
Žj‹à”gEæâ—í–¾‘¼•Ò |
The Mistery of Nushu -the Women's Script |
(Beijing yuyan xueyuan chubanshe –k‹žŒ¾ŒêŠw‰@o”ÅŽÐ) |
6 |
Xie Zhimin |
1991 |
Jiangyong nushu zhi mi |
Henan renmin chubanshe |
ŽÓŽu–¯ |
]‰i—‘”V“ä |
‰Í“ìl–¯o”ÅŽÐ |
The Conundrum of "Women's Script" in Jiang‚™ong |
(Henan renmin chubanshe ‰Í“ìl–¯o”ÅŽÐ) |
7 |
Edited by Yan Renli, Zhou |
1995 |
Yongming nushu |
Yuelu shushe |
Shuoyi et al. |
‰i–¾—‘ |
Šx˜[‘ŽÐ |
—km—¢EŽüן‹‘¼•Ò |
Women's Sript in Yong‚ing (Yuelu shushe@Šx˜[‘ŽÐ) |
8 |
Edited by Zhao Li‚ing |
1992 |
Zhong‚‡uo nushu jicheng |
@ |
æâ—í–¾•Ò |
’†‘—‘W¬ |
@ |
Collection of Chinese Nushu |
@ |
(Qinghua daxue chubanshe ´‰Ø‘åŠwo”ÅŽÐ) |
@ |
9 |
Zhao Li‚ing |
1995 |
Nushu yu nushu wenhua |
@ |
æâ—í–¾ |
—‘—^—‘•¶‰» |
@ |
Women's Script and the Culture of Women's Script |
@ |
In English, German and Dutch:
1 |
Chang, William Wei |
1991 |
hWe two know the script: we have become good friends: |
linguistic and social aspects of the women's script literacy |
in southern Hunan, China.'' Ph.D. dissertation, Yale Univ. |
2 |
Silber , Cathy |
1994 |
hFrom daughter to daughter-in-law in the women's script of |
southern Hunan'' pp.47-68 in Endagering China: |
Women, Culture and State'' (Harvard University Press) |
3 |
Silber, Cathy |
1995 |
hNushu (Chinese Women's Script) Literacy and Literatureh |
PH. D. dissertation, Michigan University |
4 |
W. L.idema |
1996 |
hVrouwen-schrift Vriendschap, huwelijk en wanhoop van |
Chinese vrouwen, opgetekend in een eigen schrift.h |
(Meulenhoff) |
5 |
Benedikta Dorer |
1993 |
Schreibende Frauen, Geschriebene Frauen -- |
Aspecte der Frauenschrift |
Nushu und ihres sozialen Kontekst, Diplomarbeit |
(Universitat Wien) |
In Japanese
1 |
Endo Orie |
1996a |
Chugoku no onna moji -- densho suru chugoku josei-- |
‰““¡DŽ} |
’†‘‚Ì—•¶Žš--“`³‚·‚é’†‘—«-- |
Chinese Women's Script--Transmitted by Local Chinese |
Women (San-ichi Shobo ŽOˆê‘–[j |
2 |
Endo Orie |
2002 |
Chugoku Onnamoji Kenkyu |
‰““¡DŽ} |
’†‘—•¶ŽšŒ¤‹† |
Research on Chinese Women's Script (Meiji Shoin –¾Ž¡‘‰@j |
Last Update: 2002/08/17 14:05